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Hearts Of Iron 4 Observer Mode

Jun 28, 2016  Hearts of Iron IV. All Discussions. Does anyone have any idea if there is a way to go into observer mode? Or if there is one at all? Showing 1-3 of 3 comments Sgt. Jun 28, 2016 @ 2:36pm In the console, there is 'ai' command, which toggles AI on and off. Also, 'Humanai' which toggles AI for human countries. Road to 56 is a frankenstein of mods that has been riveted together for your convenience and pleasure. Here are the lovely details: New Focuses.

Hearts of Iron 4

PC, Paradox Interactive, cert: 7

Hearts of Iron 4 has the same second world war setting of its three exemplary predecessors but there the similarities end. On the positive side, the graphics are greatly improved and some of the micromanagement required in Hearts of Iron 3 has been removed, but ultimately Paradox Interactive has crossed a bridge too far in its bid to popularise the series.


Diplomacy, intelligence, trading and government sections have been dumbed down and feel like minor distractions rather than key elements of the game, while the production system has been improved but is hamstrung by the division designer refusing to allow changes to templates unless ground combat experience is attained.This is very difficult to achieve unless a country is actually at war, meaning that the player is prevented from setting up their army the way they want in the early period of the conflict. It is telling that one of the most popular mods in the Steam Workshop since release gives the player total freedom to design their own divisions from scratch. HoI4 also feels unfinished – playing as a major nation is enjoyable, but controlling a smaller country is spoiled by generic unit names and images.This might be laziness on the part of the developers, since it does not take long to research the information or, more cynically, it may have been deliberately been left out in order to be added as paid-for DLC in the future. Perhaps, in time, these issues will be solved. It will be interesting to come back to HoI4 after a year or so of patches to see if improvements have been made, particularly since the unpredictable AI is currently also a real problem. One play-through saw Germany declaring war on Yugoslavia on the historically accurate date even though events had already diverged so far from reality that Berlin was surrounded by a mixture of French and Soviet troops by early 1941. In another the Soviet Union declared war on Finland at the end of November 1939, as it did in real life, only to then neglect to station any troops in Leningrad, allowing Gustaf Mannerheim’s men to march in completely unopposed.


In its attempt to make the game accessible to a wider audience Paradox has sacrificed parts that made previous iterations so beloved. RM

Hearts Of Iron 4 Console Commands

The Technomancer

PS4, Xbox One, PC, Focus Home Interactive, cert: 16

There is, without doubt, no shortage of ambition here. On the radioactive plains of a terraformed Mars, cut off from Earth, power lies in the hands of the huge corporations who control the water supply. You are Zachariah, a rookie “technomancer” employed by the Abundance corporation as an enforcer. A rite of passage and the revelation of the technomancers’ terrible secret sees the player hunted by secret police, hounded by monstrous mutants and plunged into a factional conflict ripping the planet apart. The only problem is that the game just can’t quite reach the heights it has targeted, due to its relatively small budget and studio. It’s an open-world cyberpunk action-RPG styling itself after Mass Effect or The Witcher, but lacks their polish. Combat is primarily a melee-based affair, with multiple technomancy powers and weapon styles to tinker with, while the story, as might be expected, branches and reacts – but the dialogue is cringeworthy. There are some diamonds here, but they’re buried deep. PH

Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE

Wii U, Nintendo, cert: 12

Fortunately, previous experience of the originals is not required to enjoy this unusual crossover between the Fire Emblem and Shin Megami Tensei series in Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE’s intriguing RPG take on J-pop. Gameplay unsurprisingly then consists of a combination of Persona-esque dungeon-crawling, and a turn-based rock-paper-scissors-style combat system borrowed from Fire Emblem.

While it may be of interest to fans of either series, it remains a niche release. There’s only Japanese audio and the plot, featuring young J-pop idols pursuing their dreams while overcoming talent-eating demons, will be of limited appeal to those unfamiliar with Japanese pop culture. Nonetheless, the sumptuous art and menu design add a very polished feel to what is a decent game. In the mix the Shin Megami Tensei DNA is the more prominent of the two but with a simpler plot and lower difficulty, offering plenty of interest for fans of turn-based RPGs with a penchant for J-pop. RS