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Dead By Daylight Best Hillbilly Addons

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Dead by Daylight the Hillbilly Trailer. The Hillbilly is one of the original killers of Dead by Daylight. Inspired by Leatherface, the Hillbilly is a natural born killer. He is armed with a crude hammer and a deadly chainsaw. His chainsaw dash is the first ability in the game that instantly downs a Survivor. The other Dead By Daylight killer with a chainsaw, the Hillbilly can destroy a survivor team in mere minutes with the right skills. His chainsaw allows him to dash across the map, closing distance in a chase and downing survivors in a single hit. He can rotate quickly and, with the right add-ons, follow survivors around corners to confirm kills. Jun 14, 2016  Dead by daylight is a really fun game to play and it never gets old. I've been playing the game almost right when it came out and I've been Dead by daylight is a really fun game to play and it never gets old. I've been playing the game almost right when it came out and I've been glued to it because of how fun and fresh it feels every time i come back to it because of a new chapter that came out.

Dead by Daylight
Developer(s)Behaviour Interactive
Publisher(s)Starbreeze Studios(PC through 2017)
Behaviour Interactive (PC from 2018)
505 Games(PS4 and Xbox One)
Koch Media(Nintendo Switch)
Producer(s)Stéfan Beauchamp-Daniel
Designer(s)Matthew Spriggens
  • Fadi Beyrouti
  • Jean-Philip Desjardins
  • Rémi Veilleux
Writer(s)Farah Daoud-Brixi
Composer(s)Michel F. April
EngineUnreal Engine 4
ReleaseMicrosoft WindowsPlayStation 4, Xbox One
  • NA: June 20, 2017
  • AU: June 22, 2017
  • EU: June 23, 2017
Nintendo SwitchAndroid/iOS
  • WW: Fall/Winter 2019
Genre(s)Survival horror

Dead by Daylight is an asymmetricsurvival horror game developed by Behaviour Interactive.[1]Dead by Daylight was released on the Microsoft Windows operating system in June 2016,[2][3] released on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One home consoles in June 2017[4][5][6] , is scheduled for release on the Nintendo Switch on September 24, 2019, and scheduled for release on iOS and Android before November 2019. The game is played exclusively as a one versus four online multiplayer where one player takes on the role of the savage killer, and the other four players play as survivors, trying to escape the killer and avoid being caught and sacrificed to the Entity.

Along a handful of original characters, the game also includes downloadable characters from famous horror franchises Halloween, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Saw, Evil Dead, and Scream.

As of January 1, 2018, Behaviour Interactive became the game's publisher, acquiring publishing rights from Starbreeze Studios.[7]

  • 1Gameplay
  • 2Setting
  • 6Reception


The player repairing a generator with other Survivors

A group of up to four survivors must elude one killer. The survivors' perspectives are third-person, while the killer's perspective is first-person.[1]


Players assume the role of one of the 17 survivors, Dwight Fairfield, Meg Thomas, Claudette Morel, Jake Park, Nea Karlsson, Laurie Strode, William 'Bill' Overbeck, Ace Visconti, Feng Min, David King,[8][9]Quentin Smith, David Tapp, Kate Denson, Adam Francis, Jeff Johansen, Jane Romero or Ash Williams. The goal of the survivors is to escape the enclosed area, which can be done in one of two ways: either by repairing a certain number of disabled generators (always equal to the number of Survivors that spawned into the trial plus the killer) to provide power to the switch boxes of two exit gates leading out of the trial grounds; or by escaping through the hatch. The hatch opens only when there is only one survivor remaining in the trial. The survivors will need a key to open the hatch if there is more than one person alive.[10] The survivors' movement options consist of sprinting, walking, crouch-walking or crawling. They must elude the killer by losing their line of sight in a chase or by successfully hiding from them.


Alternatively, players assume the role of one of the 16 killers, the Trapper, the Wraith, the Hillbilly, the Nurse, the Shape, the Hag, the Doctor, the Huntress, the Cannibal, the Nightmare, the Pig, the Clown, the Spirit, the Legion, the Plague, or the Ghost Face. Most killers only have one form of locomotion, moving at a fast pace, which is moderately faster than the pace of a sprinting survivor. When hunting the survivors, the killer must capture them by either striking them twice with their weapon (the first hit reduces the survivor to the 'injured' state and pushes them a short distance ahead of the killer, while the second hit drops them to crawling on the ground) or grabbing them in one move by either catching them inside lockers, while attempting to vault over pallets or through windows (these work only when the survivor is injured), while repairing a generator, or trying to rescue a fellow survivor from a hook. Some killers have secondary attacks that deal double-damage and put survivors into the 'dying' state in one strike.

Every killer has a secondary ability, called a killer power. Each killer power is unique. For instance, the Wraith can 'cloak', turning invisible and moving faster (but being unable to strike survivors while hidden), and the Hillbilly wields a chainsaw which allows him to dash quickly along the map and instantly knock down survivors it comes into contact with. The powers can be augmented using add-ons, which are purchased in the bloodweb.

Dead By Daylight Best Hillbilly Addons

The killer's goal is to sacrifice survivors to the Entity, a malevolent being which rules over the realm in which Dead by Daylight takes place. Caught survivors are put onto meathooks located throughout the trial grounds, which starts the sacrifice process, which will take two minutes to complete without any outside influences. Some special add-ons, perks or the 'Memento Mori' offerings allow the killer to bypass the sacrifice process and kill a survivor directly, with a special animation.

The first time a survivor is hooked, they enter the first phase. In this phase only, the survivor can try for a low (4%) chance of escaping from the hook at the cost of tremendously accelerating the sacrifice process upon failure to escape. Hooked survivors can also be rescued by fellow survivors. If the survivor escapes or is saved and eventually hooked a second time, they will enter the 'struggle phase', in which the survivor has to resist the Entity trying to stab them by rapidly pressing the spacebar, X, or A, depending on the platform, until they are either saved by an ally or killed by the 'Entity'. If the survivor is saved during the 'struggle phase' and is hooked a third time, they will die instantly with no opportunity of survival.

The killer, despite walking at a fast pace, is slower than survivors in most other movements: after striking a survivor, the killer will slow their movement to wipe the blood off of their weapon. The killer is also slower in vaulting through windows and cannot leap over pallets that survivors can throw down into their path (with the exception of The Legion), but instead have to go around the spot or spend some time destroying them.

The killer also has an aura-reading ability, constantly revealing the location of generators, hex totems and in case of carrying a survivor, hooks across the map. A new mechanic was added in Patch 1.5.0, which introduced 'Bloodlust'. 15 seconds into a chase, the killer receives a boost of 0.2 m/s to their base movement speed; 30 seconds into a chase grants the killer a 0.4 m/s boost; and finally, if a chase lasts for 45 consecutive seconds, the killer receives a 0.6 m/s boost. Bloodlust only lasts until a chase ends after which the movement speed boost will degrade at a rate of 10% per second spent not chasing a survivor, with breaking a pallet or injuring a survivor instantly removing it completely.


Survivors and killers each have the option to utilize up to four perks in their load-out, that give their characters special abilities. Each survivor starts off with a set of three perks that are unique to them and must first be unlocked before the other survivors can use them. These perks can be unlocked and upgraded in the Bloodweb using Bloodpoints and each Bloodweb can only hold up to two perks. These perks can range from giving a burst of speed when running from the killer, to being able to self-heal without a first aid kit, to unlocking the ability to sabotage meat hooks without a toolbox. There are also a multitude of 'universal' perks that are available to be used by any survivor.

General gameplay[edit]

In dealing with the killer, survivors can also make use of a handful of Items – searching chests inside buildings which will sometimes yield med-kits (which allow the survivors to heal themselves rather than wait for a teammate), flashlights (which can be used to temporarily blind the killer and rescue a survivor that the killer is carrying), toolboxes (which can be used both to repair generators faster and to temporarily sabotage hooks and bear traps), keys (do a variety of things depending on their add-ons and may be used to open the hatch), maps (which track objectives and reveal their auras). One resource that survivors can use are massive wooden pallets, which are placed upright, and can be pulled down when a survivor runs past them – if the killer is right behind them, the pallet will momentarily stun the killer if it successfully hits them.

Other technical advantages that survivors have include the ability to see the aura of downed and hooked teammates – thus easily drawing them to their location for a rescue – and can similarly see the locations of newly repaired generators and the exit gates for a short period of time once all necessary generators are repaired. When the killer is near, the survivors will hear a heartbeat, and eventually tense music, both of which increase in intensity with proximity to the killer. They can also see a red light (called the 'red stain') emanating from the killer's head, which reveals the direction which they are facing.


Interacting with most objects and actions in the game causes random skill checks to trigger. Right before a skill check triggers, the player will receive a noise notification, and a needle within a circle will then appear on-screen. The player must hit the action button, when the needle is within a certain randomly chosen section of the circle before the needle passes it. The player can hit either a 'good skill check' or 'a great skill check'. Hitting a good skill check grants 50 Bloodpoints, and a great skill check grants 150 Bloodpoints and an instant 2% bonus to progression on the generator. Failing a skill check has multiple consequences based on the action being taken.

Repairing each generator takes a lengthy period of time and makes a rather small mechanical noise during the process. Failing a repair skill check will cause an explosion that will set the progress of the generator repair back and make a loud noise alerting the killer to the survivor's location. Killers have the ability to damage generators, which will regress them over time.

Sabotaging a hook takes a significantly shorter amount of time than repairing a generator but is considerably louder. To sabotage a hook, survivors must be equipped with a toolbox or have the saboteur perk active. Skill checks are more common during this action than when repairing a generator. Failing a sabotage skill check makes a loud banging sound, momentarily halting progress and alerting the killer. Sabotaged hooks will respawn after three minutes have elapsed. Special event hooks and the basement hooks cannot be sabotaged.

Healing yourself or your allied survivors can take drastically different lengths of time depending on multiple factors such as if they have a med-Kit, certain perks active, killer de-buffs and whether the survivor is healing themselves or an ally. Skill checks are as common as when repairing but have a slightly less severe consequence when failed. Failing a healing skill check still reduces the progress of the action but the wail made by the survivor being healed is quieter than the other explosions and bangs, but still alerts the killer of the location within a certain range.

If a Survivor is caught by the killer, they are picked up and usually carried to the nearest hook. During this time they can attempt to wiggle out of the killer's grasp before they reach the hook, and attempt to run away. If the killer succeeds in impaling a survivor on one of the many hooks in the area, a teammate can rescue the impaled survivor or, more rarely, the impaled survivor (with a 4% chance) can rescue themselves from the hook.

Once all generators are repaired, a survivor must find a switch next to one of two exit gates and hold it for 20 seconds in order to open the door. The game only ends when all survivors have either escaped or have been killed – thus, while some survivors may escape and finish early, those still inside must keep playing. Players who have escaped or died have the ability to observe the remaining players through the game's conclusion, or return to the menu and join a new game.

If only one survivor remains then repairing generators can become nearly impossible. An alternative escape method would be to use the black lock, commonly known as the 'hatch', which spawns in a random area after the number of generators repaired equals one more than there are survivors left alive in the game (i.e., three generators repaired with only two survivors still living). The hatch spawns closed but when only one survivor remains then it will open automatically. While closed it can be opened if one survivor has a 'Dull Key' or a 'Skeleton Key' and will remain open for 30 seconds, allowing any remaining survivors to hop in and escape.[11]


Both survivor and killers are able to unlock items, perks, add-ons and offerings through the Bloodweb. Every action performed in a trial awards the player a number of Bloodpoints, and the sum are added to the player's total at the end of the trial. Each level of the Bloodweb is procedurally generated, and gets larger as the character gains levels. The rewards are connected to each other in a radial tree, and players must purchase rewards along the progression path to gain access to others. Once every reward on the tree has been purchased, the Bloodweb will generate a new level for the player to progress to, increasing that character's level. Once the character reaches Level 50, they will be given the option to prestige. While given the option, they will still be able to buy things from the Bloodweb, but will not further increase their level. Once prestiged, characters will reset their progression and receive one of their default customisation options in a blood-splattered variation. One can prestige their character up to three times.

The Bloodweb may contain items and their add-ons, offerings that can be spent at the start of the round to influence the trial's conditions, and perks that make the character more powerful. Offerings and add-ons may only be used in one trial, whereas items can be re-used until the player dies, uses up all the charges of an item or gives it to another player. Items can also be acquired from chests on the map, but this does not affect the character's Bloodweb.



The game takes place across eleven realms which are based on the places the killers became murderers: The MacMillan Estate (Trapper), Autohaven Wreckers (Wraith), Coldwind Farm (Hillbilly), Crotus Prenn Asylum (Nurse, Clown)[12], Haddonfield (Shape),[13] Backwater Swamp (Hag, Cannibal),[14] Léry's Memorial Institute (Doctor),[15] the Red Forest (Huntress, Plague),[16] Springwood/Badham Preschool (Nightmare),[17] Gideon Meat Plant (Pig),[18] Yamaoka Estate (Spirit), the Ormond Slopes Resort (Legion). Over time, the evilness of their actions accumulated there until it attracted the attention of the Entity, an unknown force of darkness from a place with no name. Most realms are split into multiple maps with similar features but small variations.


Every realm and map features a map-specific building or landmark that remains in the same place in the map every game. Every map also features a building known as 'The Shack' which is the same throughout all maps and appears in one of a few predetermined locations in the map, with the exception of the two indoor maps, Léry's Memorial Institute and Gideon Meat Plant. Every new game, a room known as the 'basement' is placed under either the map-specific building or the shack.

The basement is a special room consisting of one item chest for the survivors to scavenge in, and four cabinets for them to hide in. It's also home to a special four-pointed hook that cannot be destroyed or tampered with in any way by Survivors. The basement only has one way in, making it a very secure place for killers to bring their victims without fear of other survivors saving them. Because of this danger, survivors are awarded a small number of points for even venturing into the basement.


The Entity, a supernatural being hailing from the ancient blood web, is awakened from its slumber whenever it is summoned by actions of great violence and malice. The killers, exclusively serial murderers, are pulled out of reality by it and convinced to do its bidding. In order to maintain its existence, the Entity requires sacrifices, and demands that they hunt and kill the survivors so it can feed off their hope and steal a piece of their soul upon death. Then they are brought back to life to repeat the trial, endlessly attempting to escape.


The survivors are pulled into the Entity's constructed world when they wander too close to the places the killers were taken from, disappearing from the real world without a trace. They end up at a lonely campfire, where they rest between trials, until a killer pursues them again. Each trial takes place in a series of realms constructed by the Entity of areas from where the killers were taken. The survivors' only hope of escape is to complete a series of generators scattered throughout each realm to power up large gates to escape. If the killer has killed all but one survivor, the Entity will offer the latter a final means of escape in the form of a hatch. Escaping from the grounds always takes the survivors back to the campfire, and offerings can be created to be burnt at it and appeal for the Entity's favour. Since the Entity feeds off the hope of the survivors to escape, it helps them just as much as the killers, acting as an impartial observer of the hunt, stepping in only to claim those hung on its hooks.

Downloadable content[edit]

Behaviour Interactive has as of 2019 released 15 individual DLCs in total. Each DLC has included both a new survivor and killer, except for four where only one character was introduced. (Bill for Left 4 Dead, Leatherface for The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, Ash for The Evil Dead, and Ghostface for Scream.) The DLC's release with an average of three months interval between each one. Prior to the release of every DLC since the Clown, a Public Test Build (PTB) is discharged, which allows the developers of the game to test and receive community feedback on the major upcoming changes. Once the PTB has been out for roughly two weeks, it is disabled for further maintenance on the pertinent upcoming DLC, such as bug fixing, adding missing features, etc. before the DLC officially gets released. The estimated time span between the opening of the Public Test Build and a new DLC's release is approximately 2-3 weeks, and the DLC typically releases a few days after the shutdown of the PTB.

6 out of the 14 currently released DLC's have featured licensed killers and survivors from both popular horror franchises and other video games. The DLCs can be acquired in two ways; by either purchasing them normally through Steam, or non-licensed characters can be purchased through a shop within the game using an in-game currency called Iridescent Shards. This alternative way of obtaining the DLCs was introduced in the 2.0 update (Curtain Call DLC). Each DLC has its own trailer and a so-called 'spotlight' that exhibits the killer and survivor as well as a new in-game map. The relevant DLC does not need to be purchased in order for any map to be played on.

Three DLCs, The Last Breath, Left Behind, and A Lullaby for the Dark, have been distributed for free.


  • This symbol denotes DLCs that unveiled licensed characters, indicating Behaviour Interactive acquired the license to utilize said fictional characters.
DLC TitleDate releasedNew killerNew survivorNew map
The Last BreathAugust 18, 2016The NurseNea KarlssonDisturbed Ward (Crotus Prenn Asylum)
The Halloween ChapterOctober 25, 2016The ShapeLaurie StrodeLampkin Lane (Haddonfield)
Of Flesh and MudDecember 8, 2016The HagAce ViscontiThe Pale Rose (Backwater Swamp)
Left BehindMarch 8, 2017William 'Bill' Overbeck
Spark of MadnessMay 11, 2017The DoctorFeng MinTreatment Theatre (Léry's Memorial Institute)
A Lullaby for the DarkJuly 27, 2017The HuntressDavid KingMother's Dwelling (Red Forest)
LeatherFaceSeptember 14, 2017The CannibalGrim Pantry (Backwater Swamp)
A Nightmare on Elm StreetOctober 26, 2017The NightmareQuentin SmithBadham Preschool (Springwood)
The Saw ChapterJanuary 23, 2018The PigDavid TappThe Game (Gideon Meat Plant)
Curtain CallJune 12, 2018The ClownKate DensonFather Campbell's Chapel (Crotus Prenn Asylum)
Shattered BloodlineSeptember 18, 2018The SpiritAdam FrancisFamily Residence (Yamaoka Estate)
Darkness Among UsDecember 11, 2018The LegionJeffrey 'Jeff' JohansenMount Ormond Resort (Ormond)
Demise of the FaithfulMarch 19, 2019The PlagueJane RomeroTemple of Purgation (Red Forest)
Ash vs Evil DeadApril 2, 2019Ashley 'Ash' J. Williams
Ghost FaceJune 18, 2019The Ghost Face


Along with the Curtain Call DLC that was released on June 12, 2018, the developers also released a cosmetics store which allows you to use Iridescent Shards or Auric Cells. In the store, players can use the Iridescent Shards or Auric Cells to buy cosmetics for their survivors or killers. They would be able to buy a set chosen by the developers for a discount instead of individually buying it.Although this procedure may seem like a way to make their survivors or killers more presentable, Auric Cells can only be bought with real money. If the player wants to use Iridescent Shards, it would take a longer time.


Aggregate score
MetacriticPC: 71/100[19]
PS4: 64/100[20]
XONE: 58/100[21]
Review score
GameSpotPC: 6/10[22]

Dead by Daylight received 'mixed or average reviews', according to review aggregatorMetacritic.[19]GameSpot awarded it a score of 6 out of 10, saying 'Dead by Daylight executes the concept of a competitive horror game well, but only to a point.'[22]

The game has received a reputation due to its especially volatile fanbase and large amounts of bugs and inadvertent leaks. It has undergone a fair amount of negatory criticism as a result of common issues such as frequent disconnecting from matches, 'camping', a strategy that consists of standing directly next to a hooked survivor to prevent them from being rescued and the unsatisfactory matchmaking. Recently, not only was Ash Williams leaked as a survivor, but Ghostface was also accidentally revealed as the next upcoming DLC killer.[23]


As of May 2019 the game sold more than 5 million copies.[24]

See also[edit]


  1. ^ abHerrera, Kayla (February 10, 2016). 'Dead By Daylight Is Just Another Upcoming Slasher Horror Game—Or Is It?'. Retrieved June 6, 2016.
  2. ^'Dead by Daylight on Steam'. Retrieved June 6, 2016.
  3. ^'Behaviour Interactive Buys Dead by Daylight [Publishing] Rights'. Games Industry. Retrieved November 4, 2018.
  4. ^Tach, Dave (April 26, 2016). 'Dead by Daylight is a horror movie where you're the victim (or the Killer)'. Polygon. Retrieved June 6, 2016.
  5. ^Sykes, Tom (February 6, 2016). 'Dead by Daylight is an asymmetrical slasher horror'. pcgamer. Retrieved June 6, 2016.
  6. ^O'Connor, Alice (April 22, 2016). 'Dead By Daylight Bringing 4v1 Slasher Horror To June'. Rock Paper Shotgun. Retrieved June 6, 2016.
  7. ^
  8. ^Dodd, Adam (April 21, 2016). 'New 'Dead by Daylight' Footage Introduces the Killers - Bloody Disgusting!'. Bloody Disgusting!. Retrieved June 15, 2016.
  9. ^'Dead By Daylight Gets Halloweenie In New DLC'.
  10. ^Johnston, Rich (June 15, 2016). 'E3: Dead By Daylight Wants To Kill You'. Bleeding Cool Comic Book, Movie, TV News. Retrieved June 15, 2016.
  11. ^'Dead by Daylight - Manual'.
  12. ^'The Last Breath: Dead by Daylight'. Dead by Daylight. Retrieved October 17, 2018.
  13. ^'The Halloween Chapter - Dead by Daylight'.
  14. ^'Of Flesh and Mud - Dead by Daylight'.
  15. ^'Spark of Madness'. Dead by Daylight. Retrieved October 17, 2018.
  16. ^'A Lullaby for the Dark - Dead by Daylight'. Dead by Daylight. Retrieved October 17, 2018.
  17. ^'A Nightmare on Elm Street - Dead by Daylight'. Dead by Daylight. Retrieved October 17, 2018.
  18. ^'The SAW® Chapter - Dead by Daylight'. Dead by Daylight. Retrieved October 17, 2018.
  19. ^ ab'Dead by Daylight for PC Reviews'. Metacritic. CBS Interactive. Retrieved August 24, 2017.
  20. ^'Dead by Daylight for PlayStation 4 Reviews'. Metacritic. CBS Interactive. Retrieved September 13, 2018.
  21. ^'Dead by Daylight for Xbox One Reviews'. Metacritic. CBS Interactive. Retrieved September 13, 2018.
  22. ^ abGilroy, Joab (July 3, 2016). 'Dead by Daylight Review'. GameSpot. CBS Interactive. Retrieved September 28, 2016.
  23. ^
  24. ^'Video: Inside the massive success of Dead by Daylight'. May 6, 2019. Retrieved June 2, 2019.

External links[edit]

Retrieved from ''

Dead By Daylight fast became one of my favourite games as soon as I started playing it. I'm far from an expert on the game, but I have played a number of games whereby I can rank the Killers in the game from worst to best.
This is in no way an official ranking list, just my preferences. There are some Killers who may surprise you with their ranking, but this is just my opinion on which ones I prefer to use.

#11 - The Nurse

- A Nurse’s Calling: Unlocks potential in one's aura reading ability. The auras of survivors who are healing or are being healed are revealed to you. 9
- Stridor: You are acutely sensitive to the breathing of your prey. The breathing of Survivors in pain is louder. 5
- Thanatophobia: All survivors receive penalties to repair, healing and sabotage speeds for each injured, dying or hooked survivor. 7

Power: Spencer’s Last Breath: 5

Why?: For many people, The Nurse is one of the best Killers in the game, but I just struggle to use her. Spencer’s Last Breath can be infuriating, and it takes time to be able to use it effectively, even with recent buffs to this power. She has the slowest movement speed of all Killers, but she doesn’t have to worry about pallet drops and Survivor’s climbing through windows, but the pause after using her power acts like a Decisive Strike against The Nurse. She undoubtedly takes great skill to use effectively, and she comes with a couple of great perks - namely A Nurse’s Calling. I find her lack of speed to be really detrimental, and despite a few good perks, I can’t help but rank her as my least favourite Killer to play as.


#10 - The Trapper

- Agitation: Increases your speed while transporting bodies. While transporting a body, your terror radius is increased. 8
- Brutal Strength: Your great strength allows you to shred through defences. Destroy barricades drops faster. 7
- Unnerving Presence: Your presence alone instills fear. Survivors within your terror radius have a greater chance to trigger Skill Shots when repairing, healing or sabotaging. Success Zones for Skill Shots are reduced. 6

Power: Bear Traps: 6

Why?: Despite boasting the fastest movement speed, and most impressive gait, I just don’t like The Trapper. Laying traps in the hope that Survivor’s run into them is very situational. Agitation is a great perk, and Brutal Strength allows you to recover from those annoying pallet slams. Unnerving Presence is a little bit hit and miss, but I think the time spent laying traps can waste valuable game time early on. From there, you end up playing catch up during the mid-game. In maps where there is thick grass, Bear Traps are really effective, and the same goes for protecting hooked Survivors, but these traps can be sabotaged or avoided with a certain level of ease.

#9 - The Huntress

- Beast of Prey: Your lust for a kill is so intense that your connection with the Entity is momentarily lost, making you totally unpredictable. The red stain disappears for a limited time once Bloodlust kicks in. 2
- Hex: Huntress Lullaby: Your hunt is an irresistible song of dread which muddles your prey's attention. Survivors within your terror radius receive a regression penalty when missing any Skill Check. Each time a Survivor is hooked, Huntress Lullaby grows in power; the time between the Skill Check and its sound warning becomes shorter. 8
- Territorial Imperative: Unlocks potential in one's Aura Reading ability. Survivors' Auras are revealed to you when they enter the basement and you are more than 24 meters away from the basement entrance. 4

Power: Hunting Hatchets: 8

Why?: I’m not keen on The Huntress. The Hunting Hatchets are fantastic, and they nullify Survivors dropping pallets on you, but her perks are largely poor. Territorial Imperative relies on Survivors entering the basement to search a chest, but it’s very situational. Beast of Prey is just pointless for me. The only thing it does it make it hard for Survivors to see how close you are to them, but they can just look behind themselves. Her Hex perk is good for elongating the mid-game, but as with all Hex perks, it all depends on a bit of luck with Totem placement. She can be good with the right perks, but that kind of works for all Killers and Survivors. Despite her Hunting Hatchets being cool to use and incredibly effective, her all-around game leaves me slightly disappointed, and less inclined to use her.

#8 - The Pig

- Hangman’s Trick: Your ingenious modifications to Hooks prevent tampering and permanent damage. Hooks destroyed by sabotage or sacrifices repair after a short moment. Gain a notification when someone starts Sabotaging the Hooks. 4
- Surveillance: Unlocks potential in one's Aura reading ability. The last regressing generators' Auras are revealed to you. 3
- Make Your Choice: When a Survivor rescues another from a hook at least 24 meters away from the Killer, Make your Choice triggers and confronts the Survivor with a Skill Check. A failed Skill Check damages the rescuer. 10

Power: Jigsaw’s Baptism: 5

Dead By Daylight Best Buy

Why?: The Pig isn’t a great Killer. Killing Survivor’s with Reverse Bear Traps is so difficult to do, and the only real purpose they serve is to elongate the game. If you ran Hex: Ruin with The Pig, games would certainly be longer, but I don’t particularly enjoy using this character. The stealth aspect of this character is enjoyable enough to use, and the fact that you can at least get one strike in against the Survivors puts The Pig slightly higher on the list, but not by much. The perks of this Killer are really disappointing, with the exception of Make Your Choice, which is a fantastic perk, and possibly the best in the game.

#7 - The Hillbilly

Dead By Daylight Best Hillbilly Addons Youtube

- Enduring: You are resilient to pain. Recovery from the stun condition caused by physical objects is faster. 6
- Lightborn: Your vision is dimmed, but you can endure strong lights. Resistance to blindness is increased. Recovery from blindness is increased. 4
- Tinkerer: Add-ons that affect the charge time of your Power are more effective. 7

Power: Chainsaw: 7

Why?: His Chainsaw is really good at getting around the map and being able to protect generators, as is his movement speed. Turning while using his Chainsaw can be really difficult, and his perks are quite average. I much prefer to use Leatherface’s chainsaw, as he has the ability to down more than one Survivor at a time, as well as effectively protect hooked Survivors in the basement. I just don’t like his overall game, as he lacks the stealth ability, and the temptation to be erratic is strong, which makes it hard to focus on the objective of taking out all Survivors.

#6 - The Wraith

- Bloodhound: You smell traces of blood at a great distance. Fresh blood marks are considerably more discernible than normal and can be tracked for longer than normal. 7
- Predator: Your acute tracking ability allows you to follow disturbances left by passing prey over a longer period of time. Footstep marks stay visible longer than normal. 5
- Shadowborn: Your vision is brighter and your field of view is wider than normal. Highly sensitive to light, you get blinded faster than normal and it takes more time to recover from this condition. 3

Power: Wailing Bell: 8

Dead By Daylight Best Hillbilly Addons Download

Why?: The Wraith was the first, and the only Killer I’ve prestiged so far. His perks are among the worst in the game, although they do marginally help when chasing Survivors. His Wailing Bell does have some good add-ons which allow for speed boosts when uncloaking, but he faces the same issues with pallets and windows like most other Killers. You can get an early strike on a Survivor when uncloaking, and his reach is pretty good also. Used right, The Wraith can be a very good character to use. Body blocking and being stealthy are the two unique points for The Wraith, but knowing when to cloak and uncloak can be frustrating. He makes the top end of the bottom half of this list primarily due to his perks being fairly weak.

Ranking Dead By Daylight Killers

Do you agree with the ranking?