Posted  by  admin

Nvidia Control Panel Default Color Settings

While tweaking around in the 'Manage 3D Settings' and in the 'Global Settings', I wanted to play around with some of the options, like change my performance mode to single display vs multiple display. When I apply the settings, an error message comes up saying, 'Access Denied. Failed to apply selected settings to your system'. Does anyone know why that is?!


Aug 08, 2018  If you have Nvidia graphics card installed on your PC, you can use the control panel to reset the color settings. Launch the Nvidia control panel.

  • I found this today accidentally, with the new NVIDIA drivers(for quite some time now), default color settings are in compatibility mode for old TVs. So, if you are using default NCP settings, you are probably missing some HD part of your monitor / TV capability. NVIDIA Control Panel and HDMI - Heads Up Theme. Default (Default) IPS 4.3.
  • Re: Color Display NVIDIA control panel Jump to solution In the Nvidia control panel in each sub-section they in a restore defaults tab in the lower part of the options box, just scroll down, this a screen shot of the default levels if that fails, it all else fails reinstall the driver will reset all the settings.
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closed as unclear what you're asking by Everett, randomSep 14 '15 at 4:28

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3 Answers

C:Program FilesNVIDIA CorporationControl Panel Client


Right Click On nvcplui.exe and Run As Admin

Nvidia Control Panel Display Settings

Thats work for me

Hesam RastegariHesam Rastegari

I haven't experienced this problem, but there are several possible solutions in this reddit thread:

Here are a few:

  1. I had the exact issue after latest update (today) and I've fixed it by going to 'C:ProgramDataNVIDIA CorporationDrs' -> right click ->properties -> Previous Version (assuming you're system protection/system restore on c:) and restored the all the files with the most recent version... that's how I've solved the problem. In case people want the pre-update files, I've uploaded'em: -> the go into the following dir: 'C:ProgramDataNVIDIA CorporationDRS'

  2. I fixed the error by removing all nVidia software and drivers, reinstalling the 350.12 Driver and PhysX ONLY (no 3D drivers, no GFEX), then downloading the separate GeForce Experience package and installing that afterwards. Now I have access to my settings again, although all my presets and custom resolutions were reset.

    1. I think I finally found the solution: uninstall all the nvidia drivers, > everything nvidia including the nvidia experience software and restart. Then do a search for the drivers and manually download them but do not download the experience software (choose custom install to uncheck the option). I am now able to select my nvidia gpu as default and it sticks (closed control panel and reopened to make sure it was stuck on nvidia and not auto detect). Just tested it on the game I was having a problem with and holy moly, night and day difference. Hope this helps you all!

Good luck!


In my case, where I have a notebook with NVIDIA Optimus, I wasn't able to change some configurations until I pressed the 'VGA Button' which effectively 'turns on' the Nvidia card.


Nvidia Control Panel Default Color Settings Mac

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