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Digital Persona Fingerprint Scanner Php

Download DigitalPersona Fingerprint Reader Software. Gain enhanced data protection both online and offline by easily accessing any of your accounts or user profiles using your fingerprint.

  1. Digital Persona Fingerprint Scanner Php Form
  2. Digital Persona Fingerprint Scanner Driver
  3. Digital Persona Fingerprint Scanner Windows 10

I have to control access to a system based on fingerprint recognition in PHP.But I do not know what would be the best approach to do this...

I was searching for a device and software, and maybe this will the one I'll use:

This software use somekind of SDK, so java must be used, Is there a way to make a bridge between php and java?.

I am not expert in java web services, but if this is the only way, How to control fingerprint?

Does the device returns an image, or a md5 string, or How does it work, how to read this in php?

What is your experience in this kind of thing...


Digital Persona Fingerprint Scanner Php Form

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2 Answers

There's another dimension to this, too.

When you say 'PHP', I imagine you're probably talking HTTP web server/client web browser interaction (with PHP on the server).

The Digital Persona (DP) device, however, is usually over on the client.

I've actually used Digital Persona (probably a different device and a different SDK than yours), but the principle is probably similar. You plug the device into the PC's USB port, and the DP SDK controls the device, scans the thumbprint, compares it to other fingerprint images you've 'registered' (in a database, a set of image files, whatever), and reports back whether or not there's a match. This all occurs on the CLIENT side.

SUGGESTION:Your best bet might be:


1) Code your server side stuff in PHP, as you're doing now

2) Code your DP interaction as a JAVA APPLET

Digital Persona Fingerprint Scanner Driver

3) You DON'T necessarily need to 'call Java from PHP' (or vice versa). Instead, all you need to do is:

  • invoke the applet from the PHP pages you serve, and

  • Have the applet communicate with the web server

Digital Persona Fingerprint Scanner Windows 10

Here's one example of how you might approach this:

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What I believe as procedure to be done is:

  1. Create a folder for storing fingerprints of authorised users;
  2. When a fingerprint is inserted to login,
  3. Retrieve the stored fingerprint of the user using php code $a;
  4. Change the fingerprint of the current user into a php code $b;
  5. Compare the two codes $a and $b
  6. If $a != $b then
  7. Give error msg,
  8. If $a $b then allow entry into system.

You may work on with me to achieve this in php as java is Greek to me.

Thank you.

Code Lღver
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Thank you for the reply. Unfortunately, Microsoft's own compatibility website is very misleading about this. They state that for Windows 7.x and 8.x, 3rd party drivers and software are required to make the device work. For Windows 10 they state that no additional 3rd party drivers or software are required to use this fingerprint reader.

I had this fingerprint reader working with drivers and software downloaded from Digital Persona on my Windows 7 pro 64-bit system but after that system was upgraded to Windows 10 Pro the Digital Persona software now says that the reader is not installed even though Windows 10 shows that the reader is an installed device and the device is working properly.

I guess I am pretty much screwed here. Microsoft has always taken a very poor approach when it comes to biometric fingerprint readers. They actually used to sell a Microsoft branded fingerprint reader and inexplicitly (and very suddenly) discontinued all support for that reader after Windows Vista. Digital persona stopped supporting Windows drivers for their fingerprint readers because Microsoft made it not worth their effort. It now looks like Microsoft believes that utilizing your face via a webcam is more secure than your unique fingerprints. What a shame!