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How To Use Math Input Panel

Math Input Panel This unsung little freebie is intended for an elite group indeed: mathematicians with touchscreen computers. You’re supposed to write out math equations in the writing area using your finger or a touchscreen stylus and marvel as Windows translates your handwriting into a typed-out mathematical expression.

Use the Math Input Panel

^l) Open the document in which you want to insert the math expression.

Click the Start button, point to All Programs, click Accessories, and then click Math Input Panel.

Handwrite the math expression you want.

As you write, the expression appears in the recognition box. The Write button is selected by default.

To correct a letter, click the Select and Correct button, select a part of the expression, and then select a correction from the menu.

To erase the expression, click the Erase button, and then drag to erase it.

To clear the expression and start over, click the Clear button.

To undo or redo, click the Undo or Redo button.

Turn Off Math Input Panel

Click Insert to place it in the open document.

If you use your Tablet PC to take notes in math or you work in an engineering or scientific profession, then you need the Math Input Panel. The Math Input Panel (New!) recognizes handwritten math expressions and inserts them into other programs. The program needs to support Mathematical Markup Language (MathML). Just open the document in which you want to insert your math expressions, start Math Input Panel, handwrite your math expression, and then click Insert. If you take notes in Windows Journal, you can convert your handwritten math expression to normal text that you can use in a word processing program. Simply drag the select expression directly into the Math Input Panel.

c (Latin CapiLai Letter C)

£ (Greek imall Letter tpukin)

Xj v

Write Erase



Select wid Correct


indo Redo Clear

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Menu for Select and Correct