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Service Registration Is Missing Or Corrupt Windows Vista

Windows registry is of great value to Windows operating system, and a single corrupt registry entry can kill an entire Windows installation. This post aims to help. How to fix a Windows (Vista, 7 or 10) corrupt user profile: The User Profile Service failed the logon.

  1. Service Registry Missing Or Corrupt Win…
  2. Service Registration Is Missing Or Corrupt Windows Vista 1
  3. Service Registration Is Missing Or Corrupt Windows Vista Download

The 0x80072EE2 error is associated with Windows Update and prevents you from receiving any updates through this integrated service on your system. You may see these errors:

Error 0x80070008Error 0x800705B4
Error 0x8007000EError 0x80072EE2
Error 0x80072EFDError 0x80072EE7
Error 0x80072EEFError 0x80072EFE
Error 0x8024400EError 0x80072F76
Error 0x80244016Error 0x80072F78
Error 0x80244022Error 0x80090305
Error 0x8024402FError 0x8009033F
Error 0xC80003FAError 0x80244008
Error 0xC800042DError 0x8024400A
Error 0x80071A90Error 0x8024400D

Causes Of The 0x80072EE2 Error

This error is typically caused by Windows not being able to connect to the update server. There are some other causes of the issue, but the main problem is the way in which Windows does not receive a response from the update service. This can either be caused by a lack of Internet connection, a block with your firewall or some other inhibiting problem.

Service Registration Is Missing Or Corrupt Windows Vista

How To Fix The 0x80072EE2 Error

Step 1 – Confirm Your Internet Connection Is Working

If you are reading this on the affected computer, I am sure your Internet is working okay; but if you’re not on the computer with the error, you should open up your Internet browser and try and access Google with it. This will allow you to see if your Internet connection is working or not. As Windows updates itself through the Internet, it’s important your computer is able to connect to the Windows update server.

Step 2 – Disable Your Firewall (Termporarily)

Since Windows update uses the Internet, many firewall applications will actively block any connections it tries to make. This is a big problem and is often the biggest cause of the 0x80072EE2 error. Fortunately, you can temporarily turn off your firewall to fix this problem. You should also seek to unblock the Windows Update engine for future updates.

Service registration is missing or corrupt windows vista 10

Step 3 – Add The Windows Update Server To Your Web’s Trusted List

To add the Windows Update Web site and the Microsoft Update Web site to the Trusted Sites list, follow these steps:

Service Registry Missing Or Corrupt Win…

  1. Start Windows Internet Explorer.
  2. On the Tools menu, click Internet Options.Note If you are using Internet Explorer 7, and the menu is not available, press the ALT key on your keyboard to access the Internet Explorer Menu.
  3. Click the Security tab, and then click Trusted Sites.
  4. Click Sites, and then click to clear the Require server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone check box.
  5. In the Add this Web site to the zone box, type the following addresses, and then click Add after you type each address:
  6. Click OK two times.
  7. Try to install the updates again.

If this method resolved your issue and you were able to install updates successfully, you should re-enable your third-party firewall if it is still disabled. However, if you’re still getting errors then you should use Step 4:

Service Registration Is Missing Or Corrupt Windows Vista 1

Step 4 – Use A “Registry Cleaner” To Fix Any Problems Inside Windows

Service Registration Is Missing Or Corrupt Windows Vista Download

One of the big causes of the 0x80072EE2 error is that certain settings and files which Windows needs to read in order to become updated, are corrupted. The settings and files that are typically used for this process are saved in the “registry” database of your computer, which is a central storage center for all the files and settings for your PC. The registry keeps a lot of information for Windows, such as your desktop wallpaper and your latest emails. Unfortunately, the registry is also prone to becoming corrupted, and that’s what can stop the Windows Update service from working. To fix this problem, you should download a reliable registry cleaner and use it to fix all the problems inside your PC. You can download our preferred registry cleaner below:
