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Elder Scrolls Online The Racer

The Elder Scrolls Online: Elsweyr's dragons aren't nearly as fun as its new necromancer class By Steven Messner 2019-03-28T14:00:15Z The home of the Khajiit is beautiful, but I'm not convinced the.

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Win a race with a frog.
Quest Giver:Firtoril
Reward:Average Leveled Gold
XP Gain:683
Win a frog race
Firtoril has offered me a chance to enter the frog race. If my frog wins, we'll split the prize.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Speak with Firtoril.
  2. Obtain a frog from Lamburak, Silvanir, or Hadras.
  3. Feed the frog.
  4. Enter the frog in the race and watch.
  5. Speak to Firtoril after winning.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Firtoril doesn't want to get a job; she just wants to bet on frog races all day. She runs into a bit of an issue when she racks up some frog-related debt and is no longer allowed to race frogs herself. This is a particular problem because she has recently developed frog chow, an amazing substance that will make any frog a sure thing - so it's practically not even betting. She propositions you to get a frog, use the frog chow to feed said frog, and enter it in the race. If you win - sorry, when you win - you will split the winnings. What could be easier?

Speak with Firtoril first. She advises you of the issue wherein she is unable to race frogs herself, but has a sure-fire method of winning frog races. She tells you to get a frog, feed it her frog chow, win the race, and in return, you get to keep some of the winnings.

On your marks..

There are three people from whom you can get a frog. All three are in close proximity to the frog racing track. They are:

  • Lamburak - can be bribed with gold to let you race her frog, who, like her, works for coin.
  • Silvanir - can be persuaded to let you race his 'superior' frog, Snooks, but you must have the Persuasive Will ability, which costs one skill point and requires you to be part of the Mages Guild.
  • Hadras - can be intimidated to let you race his amphibian baby, Hopper, but you must have the Intimidating Presence ability, which costs one skill point and requires you to be part of the Fighters Guild.

Any of the three frogs can win the race.

After you acquire the frog, walk over to Firtoril and locate the frog chow bag propped against the frog race track. Engage it, opening a dialogue box.

When you select <Examine the frog.>, the frog will look hungry. Choose <Feed the frog.> Now examine the frog again. Continue to examine, then feed the frog until the dialogue informs you that the frog looks full. Do not underfeed or overfeed the frog; this will result in a loss.

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With your perfectly satiated amphibian, go around to the starting line baskets and engage the baskets to place your frog. Your frog should win the race. Repeat if necessary, ensuring you pay special attention to the frog chow step, making sure the frog gets the perfect amount.

Go speak to Firtoril and collect your winnings. You are paid in gold and can do with it as you wish. As for Fitoril, she will be reinvesting in another frog.


  • This quest was initially known as 'Frog Racer'. It was disabled as of Patch 1.0.2, but has since returned.
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Quest Stages[edit]

The Racer
Finishes QuestJournal Entry
I should get a frog from someone here at the race.
Objective: Get a Frog
I should put the frog in the starting basket to begin the race.
I placed my frog at the race starting line. Now I need to wait for the race to begin.
Objective: Win Race
My frog has won the race. I should return to Firtoril.

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