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Windows Explorer Expand All Folders

  1. Expand All Folders Windows 10
  2. Windows 10 File Explorer Expand All Folders

A simple option in Windows Explorer's preferences fixes one of its biggest annoyances, automatically expanding the left sidebar as you navigate through your computer's folders.

The left pane of Windows Explorer shows the drives and folders in a layout called a tree. There is a + symbol to the left of each. Clicking on it shows all the folders stored in that drive.

Perhaps this is an obvious tip, but once I discovered it, I realized how useful it can be. In Windows 7, by default, Explorer's sidebar stays the same unless you click around in it. That is, if you use the right pane to navigate through folders, as most of us do, the left sidebar doesn't change. With a simple checkbox, though, you can have the left sidebar focus on your current folder in the tree as you click around the right pane. To enable this feature:

  • Open up Explorer and go to Organize > Folder and Search Options.
  • On the General tab, look under 'Navigation Pane' and check 'Automatically expand to current folder'.

The left pane of Windows Explorer shows the drives and folders in a layout called a tree. There is a + symbol to the left of each. Clicking on it shows all the folders stored in that drive. Show the current folder / subfolders in Windows Explorer. In Windows 7, Windows 8 / 8.1, and Windows 10, Explorer no longer shows the current folder structure and subfolders: that's in part due to the enhanced address bar, which combines the functionality of breadcrumbs and dropdown menus. But you can easily restore that old functionality as well!


This is especially useful considering Windows 7's Explorer doesn't have a 'one folder up' button. You could always click on the folder's name in Explorer's address bar, too, but this can save you a few clicks if you're constantly jumping around nearby folders. Again, it certainly isn't a new tip, but we've never featured it before, and having just discovered it, I thought it was a pretty cool feature.

Set the Navigation Pane Tree to Automatically Expand in Windows 7 How-To Geek


I understand the question as follows; you wish to see allsubfolders expanded, you will be able to see all files.

A. You start a search in explorer select the drive / directory,you are searching.

B. Do not provide any other criteria for your search; hitsearch.

What is the function of windows explorer?

when you have a computer then you obviously use your computer. when you turn on your computer after it says. 'Loading your personal information' then you go to your desktop and everythings are loaded means 'Start Menu, Desktop Items, Folders...etc..' yes this is all the fucntionality of the windows explorer if you end the 'explorer' process from the task manager then you won't be able to see your start menu even you can't open your… Read More

What is pane of windows explorer?

Windows Explorer is a file manager application that is included with releases of the Microsoft Windows operating system from Windows 95 onwards. It provides a graphical user interface for accessing the file systems. It is also the component of the operating system that presents many user interface items on the monitor such as the taskbar and desktop. the windows Explorer Window is has two separate areas called 'panes' as in panes of glass. The left… Read More

What is the difference between the left and right panes of the Windows Explorer window?

The left pane of Windows Explorer shows the drives and folders in a layout called a tree. There is a + symbol to the left of each. Clicking on it shows all the folders stored in that drive. If there is a + beside the folder, clicking on it will show the subfolders stored in that folder. The right pane shows all files and sub-folders in the folder that you are currently viewing with Explorer… Read More

Expand All Folders Windows 10

How do you view hidden folders of a PC?

To view hidden folders open Windows Explorer or My Computer. From there select the Tools tab at the top of the window. Then click on Folder Options, from there select 'view all hidden folders:.

What do you do to view hidden files on your computer?

To view hidden folders open Windows Explorer or My Computer. From there select the Tools tab at the top of the window. Then click on Folder Options, from there select 'view all hidden folders'.

What is Windows Explorer on a computer?

= Windows Explorer - A definition = Windows Explorer is a tool that allows you to browse, view, copy and delete files. Windows Explorer comes with Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP and you can start it as follows: # Click Start -> (All) Programs -> Accessories -> Windows Explorer, or # Click Start -> Run -> explorer.exe, or # Hold the Windows Button on your keyboard and press 'e'. Windows Explorer is an application that provides detailed information… Read More

What is the meaning of the plus and minus signs when navigating in the Folder Explorer Bar of Microsoft Windows Explorer?

The plus and minus signs indicate that you can expand or collapse that particular path location (i.e. drive or folder) to show or hide additional sub-sections of the path of a particular file. For example, click on the plus sign on the My Computer icon to expand and see all the drives that incorporate My Computer or click on the minus sign of a folder to hide the sub-folders that exist for that folder.


What is the central location for Windows 7 management utilities?

Basically all utilities located in folders - Windows and WindowsSystem32.

How do i collapse a windows folder tier?

rt click on folders in toolbar. lt click close all windows

How do you access Paintnet?

Windows XP: Open the Start Menu by pressing the 'start' button in the lower left corner of the screen. Choose 'All Programs'. This will expand the 'All Programs' menu. Click on 'Paint.Net'. If You had accidentally deleted the shortcut, open the Windows Explorer (Start > All Programs > Accessories > Windows Explorer), go to 'C:Program FilesPaint.Net' and open the 'PaintDotNet.exe' file. Windows Vista / Windows Seven: Open the Start Menu and type (in the Search… Read More

How do you get photos off your digital camera with windows?

You should have a USB cable with the camera. Connect it to your computer. Then open Windows Explorer (not Internet Explorer) which you can get by right clicking on the start button, or going to Start, All Programs and Accessories. Then find it on the list of devices, open the folders on the camera and you can get to your photos. Set the view type in Explorer to Thumbnails and you will be able to… Read More

Option when upgrading uses existing windows folders and all the existing setting it can?

What is a computer explorer?

If you are referring to the Windows Explorer, it is the main bar on the bottom of the screen including the Start menu, quick launch bar, active task bar, and clock. The windows explorer is the 'shell' of windows, and is essential to be running at all times. When the explorer stops responding, this typically leads to a reboot, or freeze. Windows Explorer should not be confused with Internet Explorer, which is a totall different… Read More

Where is windows explorer?

windows explorer is not the same as internet explorer. you use IE for browsing the internet and WE is used to access all your files. ie if you delete WE you will have no icons, taskbar or anything to view your files in

What software allows you to view all the files and folders which are saved in a computer?

I have no idea why you would ask this question. For windows, windows explorer is the built-in file browser. For mac, finder is the default file browser. As for linux.... if you've already installed it on your computer then you probably would have sufficient knowledge. Maybe you should word it differently?

Is Internet Explorer 9 compatible with Windows?

All Internet Explorer versions is designed for Windows. IE 9 is only officially supported by Microsoft on Vista and later.

What operating system comes with Internet Explorer installed on it?

Windows 10 File Explorer Expand All Folders

Internet Explorer is the default browser for all Windows operating systems. So, Windows operating systems come with Internet Explorer ready installed on the computer.

If you reinstall or repair windows xp will you lose all e mail folders for outlook express problem is computer has crashed and now trying to reinstall not bothered about other folders?

Answer: If you going repaire windows. first take email backup with address book.

What versions of Internet Explorer are compatible with Windows XP?

Except Internet Explorer 9, Windows XP support All other version of IE from version 1 to version 8. Internet Explorer 9 can run on the Vista and Windows 7. Internet Explorer 9 :,internet-explorer-9.html

What is a C Drive?

C: Drive is the main drive within your PC and the most important. It holds all of your PC's folders and information, it is set as the C: drive automatically when you first install windows. Some of the folders it contains are, Documents and Settings Program files WINDOWS

Why don't the rear windows of your 1993 explorer go all the way down?

Your rear passenger seat windows on the Ford Explorer do not go all the way down for the protection of the children that might be sitting in the rear seats

2000 ford explorer all power windows not working?

Is windows explorer window divided into 2 window panes?

Yes, Allmost every Windows Distribution has default navigation or other optional panels in the Explorer Window, You can disable all of them if you want.

What is the command to search all files in your current directory for the word 'computers'?

Different operating systems may have very different tools. On Linux and Unix-like systems, 'grep computers *' should do what you want. For Windows (XP in particular): In Windows Explorer (Windows Key-E), click the 'Search' button on the toolbar... A search pane will appear on the left... Inthat pane, in the box under 'Search for files and folders' type, 'computers'. All of the files with 'Computers' in the name will be listed on the right-hand pane… Read More

Steps for specifying a search that will return all files with a doc extension using windows search.?

It varies slightly depending on the version of windows you are using. The basic steps are to use the 'wildcard' expression '*' (no quotation marks) in the search window of Windows explorer. Ensure that all drives and folders are selected. There are certain defaults for size and date, usually 'Any'. Leave this as is. In the 'File Name' box type; '*.doc' (no quotation marks) This should return the results required.

Why should Microsoft Windows Explorer connect to the internet using other programs at all?

Windows Explorer and Internet Explorer use a lot of the same code, and they are both integral components of the windows operating system. If you type a URL into the address bar of Windown Explorer it 'becomes' Internet Explorer, and vice versa. It's part of Microsoft Operating System and it has to connect to the internet in order to install updates to the users computer.

What does Windows Vista use in place of the former your Documents your Pictures and your Music folders?

I think all you have to do is drop the 'your'; mine has them as Documents, Music and Pictures.

Statements about windows xp internet connection sharing?

Go to connect to, open Network andSharing Center, Switch file sharing on or off and check on all files and folders that are being shared as well as network folders on the computer.

Is there any problem with Microsoft Update?

No in fact you should check for Windows Updates often. What happens is that when windows has problems, Microsoft keeps a record of all the problems and then makes a fix. Then they put the fix in the Windows Updates. Also if they have a new upgrade such as Internet Explorer 6 to Internet Explorer 7 it will be on a windows update. Definitely check and download all window updates,

What is the difference between windows explorer and Firefox?

Windows explorer comes with windows and is created by Microsoft. Firefox has nothing to do with windows and works on several other OS (unlike IE), it is created by Mozilla. I generally prefer Firefox because it seams to be faster and smoother. FireFox can have all history easily deleted, IE records it all and never truly deletes it. (history.ie5)

Where are the Firefox bookmarks in Windows 7?

C:Users*username*RoamingMozillaFirefox You have to change show all folders in order to see Roaming

Can't see who retweeted in Windows Explorer Twitter in my Firefox shows who retweeted another tweet into my timeline with name and arrows symbol but this info does not appear in my Windows Explorer?

Check all of the settings to make sure you have this feature turned on.

How do you install internet explorer 32 bit?

Internet Explorer comes preinstalled with all Windows Operating Systems. To upgrade it, you would go to Windows Update. If you have a 64 bit Operating System, you can not install a 32 bit version.

What is pane tree?

tree pane is a portion of windows explorer that shows all drives and sub drives

How can transfer music from bitlord to your media player?

In windows media player, press F3, this is to add files and folders to your WMP library. In this you can click 'Add' and then you can decide which files and folders the WMP will scan to add files to your library. All you have to do is add the folder that all your bitlord files save into. simple as.

What are System Public Folders and Where would you find them?

In Exchange Server 2003, public folders can be used to share information between a group of users. In smaller organizations where only one Exchange server is typically installed, one public folder instance can exist. Click Start, All Programs, Microsoft Exchange, and then select Exchange System Manager. Exchange System Manager opens. In the left pane, expand the Public Folders container. All existing folders in the public folder tree are displayed.

In windows which menu allows you to view file characteristics?

Windows Explorer allows you to view file characteristics. To access this, click on All Programs, Accessories, Windows Explorer. This brings up a menu of files. Right click on the file you would like, and click on properties to view file characteristics.

What backup types backs up all selected files and folders and changes their archive attribute a normal b incremental c differential d daily?

there are three main types pf NT backup in server / windows You can make it A normal because it take backup of all files & folders.

If you download windows vista will it keep your files on the computer?

if you download it onto your hardrive you folders will be fine but if you download it and reformat the system all you files will be lost so i would advise to put all your folders onto a internal hardrive (portal hardrive or a memory stick) i also wouldn't advice downloading vista because i had vista for about a year and it started to randomly i would advise downloading windows 7 or buying it :/

Can you get different web browsers?

Yes, except for a Internet Explorer which only works on Windows PCs. Most all other major browsers have a Mac and Windows version.

How do you delete a bookmark on Firefox on a mac?

Use the 'Bookmarks' menu. The first item is 'Show All Bookmarks' select this. The Library window should pop-up. When this does, click on 'Bookmarks Menu' (the words, not the carrot to expand it). This should open show all bookmark folders and bookmarks not in folders. Then highlight the bookmark you want to remove and hit the delete key

Creating a blank folder on computer?

Assuming you are using a Windows operating system, go to Start, then Programs, then Accessories and the Windows Explorer. Alternatively you can right click on the Start button and select Explore. If they are not on, press the folders button on the top so that you can see all existing folders on the left, and the files and subfolders of the selected folder in the main part of the window. Go to the location where… Read More

When I try logging in to Facebook internet explorer closes automatically what do i do?

Which version of Internet Explorer are you using? You can check your current version in the menu: Help > About Internet Explorer Verify that you have the latest version of Windows Internet Explorer which is currently Windows Internet Explorer 8. If updating does not help, or if you already have the latest version of Windows Internet Explorer installed, check for spyware (using free tools like AdAware). Chances are your browser got hijacked by malware. Also… Read More

What are folder attributes in windows 2000 professional?

Microsoft速 Windows速 2000 Scripting Guide File systems typically support the concept of attributes, information about a file or folder that goes beyond the folder name and size. For example, if you right-click a folder in Windows Explorer and then click Properties, you can access the attributes for that folder. Figure 4.2 shows a folder with the following attributes set: Read-only Hidden Ready for archiving Compressed Figure 4.2 Folder Attributes in Windows Explorer The FileSystemObject can… Read More

How do I make a wireless home network with several different devices such as a desktop 2 laptops and 3 external hard-drives and I would like the external HD to be usable on the wireless network?

This is done with a wireless access point and connecting all laptops and desktops together wirelessly. If the external harddrives have a networkport (RJ45), then you can connect them to a wired networkport on the wireless access point. If not, the external harddrives will need to be connected to the computers. You need to create shared folders on the external harddrives and the computers to hold the files and folders you want to share. You… Read More

Have about 10000 files spread between about 15000 folders and you want to view all files at once in one big list including all sub folders?

Macintosh Double-Click on your hard disk, Under the View menu, select 'as List', In the Finder window, click on each triangle beside the name of each folder to exapnd it and see the contents. You'll have to do this for each folder, there is no way to do all at once, as far as I know. Windows Open 'my computer' Under the View menu, select Explorer Bar, and then 'folders' In that view, click on… Read More

How you get Minecraft worlds on to Minecraft explorer?

1. click your windows start button 2. type in '%appdata%' without the qoutes 3. find '.minecraft' (usually the first one on top) 4. open 'Bin' 5. open 'saves' 6. drop the world file into that folder 7. close all the folders 8. open minecraft explorer Hey, I've just received a free Minecraft Giftcode! You can get one too! >> <<

My windows live messenger just disappeared i dont no how but it wasnt there in programs any more i tried to reinstall it but it says i already have it how can i get it back?

Try going to search in the start menu. And search all files and folders for Windows Live Messenger.

How do you hook up a PS3 to external hard drive?

-BASIIX- First you have to format your external hard drive to Fat32 with another software besides windows. Windows can only format 32 Gigs. Use SwissKnife. Its free and good. Then once you've formatted it make 4 folders on the hard drive called Music, Videos, Pictures, and Games. Your all done, now just place all your files in the corresponding folders. Have fun

What is difference between a file and a folder?

All the data on your hard drive consists of files and folders. The basic difference between the two is that files store data, while folders store files and other folders. The folders, often referred to as directories, are used to organize files on your computer. The folders themselves take up virtually no space on the hard drive. Files, on the other hand, can range from a few bytes to several gigabytes. They can be documents… Read More