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Took Too Long To Respond Windows 10

If you’re seeing this message a lot, and it’s taking too long to go away, you have a problem on your hands that will get worse with time. Fortunately, there’s a pretty simple solution. In order to fix this problem, you need to delete the Quick Access cache and File Explorer’s history.

When I try to go to my Web Server for Chrome in Google Chrome, it says it takes too long to respond. Using localhost does work, but my own IP doesn't. I need to be able to do it with my own IP as I want to use it with the AirConsole developer simulator

Does anyone know how I can get this to work?


2 Answers

By default, Web Server for Chrome only listens on the loopback address ( To get it to listen on your LAN address, check the checkbox that says Accessible on Local Network then stop and start the server again using the switch at the top.

You should see your LAN address in the Web Server Url(s) list now.


Took Too Long To Respond Windows 10 64

7,8864 gold badges27 silver badges34 bronze badges

You have lots of devices using your router. Usually you can type in your router IP in the search bar and review the settings. Otherwise, restart the router as this will flush the cache and may start running smooth again.

Google Chrome Took Too Long To Respond

Took Too Long To Respond Windows 10

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I have a set of containers running in Windows 10 with Docker, this is the output of docker-compose ps:

We make sure that the cryptographic signatures for new versions of all previously published apps match the original ones, which means we know if the new version APKs were signed by the real devs or someone pretending to be them.3. All apps are verified prior to publishing.2. Rory's restaurant origins free download pc cdx. The downloadable file is original and it has not been modified in any way.Why using SHA1 to check the identification of certificate is safe?That’s a cryptography problem. Please refer to the following authoritative information to check the reason.How do we make sure the updated Apps are real and created by the respective developers?1.

And this is the output of docker inspect:

I am trying to access http://localhost but I can't. I've tried also using the container IP meaning and doesn't work either.

When I say I can't it means the following message:

This site can’t be reached took too long to respond.

The same container works perfectly in Linux.

This is the content of c:WindowsSystem32driversetchosts file:

The ports from the container are mapped to the host in the docker-compose.yml file:

What I am missing here?

7,08926 gold badges126 silver badges247 bronze badges

2 Answers

You can get the docker machine IP and access the application:
1. Using command docker-machine : docker-machine ip
2.or By login to the docker image which is created when you start the docker and getting the eth1 ip

Then try : [docker-machine ip]:[port]

Savio MathewSavio Mathew
3131 gold badge3 silver badges13 bronze badges

Try login to the php's container and check if the httpd process is running.

Use docker-compose up without -d should help you to see the log from container or use docker-compose logs -f -t after docker-compose up -d

Namchoke KaewkhatNamchoke Kaewkhat

Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged dockerdocker-composedocker-networkingdocker-container or ask your own question.